Monday, October 22, 2007


I created this blog, because I feel let down by New Labour. Why do I feel they let me down, my reasons are as follows:
  • Taxes, increasing tax burden. I do no want Labour spending my hard earned cash, they owe the world bank billions and why should I trust them after 10 years of waste.
  • Spin - Continuing spin, which Gordon was going to change hasn't.
  • Reform - 10 years reforming public services and the service has not improved in-line with the billions spent.
  • To many Scottish MP's have a say in how England is run and English MP's do not have a say in what settlements these countries get, while Wales and Scotland spend, spend. England gets taxed taxed.
  • Prudent a financial policy has meant we have an increasing cost of living, while fat cat Labour MP's live the high-life on expenses, perks and above average pay settlements.

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